
VGA to RGB Sync-On-Green adapter

Neo Park 2016. 5. 31. 18:22

A composite horizontal and vertical signal sync for the green signal in RGB에서 그린 시그널의 콤포지트와 수평 시그널 싱크. 보통 모니터는 5가지 신호를 사용합니다. 레드, 그린, 블루, 수평과 수직 싱크. 싱크-온-그린 모니터는 3가지 연결을 활용합니다. 레드에 하나, 블루에 하나, 두 개의 싱크된 수평과 수직 시그널은 하나의 그린 비디오 시그널로 계산합니다.

Usually, there are 5 important signals coming out from a VGA card. The colors (Red, Green,Blue) and Sync (H-Sync and V-Sync). The voltage on the color signals is proportional at the brightness of the color at a given moment. The Sync signals are generally kept high, with short low pulses when retrace must occur.

Composite Sync (C-SYNC):
Some monitors support or need Composite Sync (C-Sync). C-Sync is both H-Sync and V-Sync pulses combined together with a simple circuit(dont try connecting the 2 wires together). The monitor can differentiate between H-Sync and V-Sync by looking at the pulse width. The V-Sync pulse is longer. Old sun monitors required C-Sync, and I guess that's why C-Sync comes out of my Ultra 10 instead of V/HSync.

For some info about how to convert H/V-Sync to C-Sync, consult this page: VGA to RGB + composite sync -converter

Some monitors requires the C-Sync pulses to be combined with the Green color signal. That's the case with my GDM-17E11. It can be done with a very simple circuit, as demonstrated on this page: Circuit for converting spearate sync signals to SYNC-in-GREEN. Most schematics includes a part to combine V and H sync, but sometimes it is not necessary. Some video cards can be programmed to output C-Sync on the H-Sync pin (+csync). I case you are wondering, the sync pulse does not interferate with the green signal because the pulses always occur at the end of a line or at the bottom of the screen.   

As you can see on the picture above, it is easy to recognize which pulse is H-Sync and V-Sync. When I took this sample, my screen was totally black, but there was a small taskbar in the bottom. We can see how the task bar effects the voltage of the green signal. We can also confirm that the sync pulses occur at the end of a line by looking at the vertical line I drew.   

참조 : http://www.raphnet.net/electronique/sync-on-green/sync-on-green_en.php