자동차용 반도체 신뢰성 시험 규격인 `AEC-Q100'은 자동차 전자부품 협회(Automotive Electronic Council)에서
자동차에 공급되는 전자부품에 대한 신뢰성 평가 절차를 규정한 문서로 전 세계에서 통용된다.
이 규격을 통과한 전자 부품은 가혹한 자동차 사용 환경에서 사용하기에 적합한 신뢰성과 높은 품질을 갖춘 부품으로 인정된다.
AEC-Q100 은 반도체가 150도의 고온에서 42일(1008시간) 이상 정상 작동하는지 여부를 측정하는 테스트도 있다고 한다.
요약하면, ACE-Q100은 SoC와 같은 대규모 집적회로에 대한 인증이며, ACE-Q101은 TR과 같은 능동소자에 대한 인증이다.
첨부파일은 관련 인증에 대한 문서이다.
Note: The AEC Technical Committee is currently revising all referenced AEC test methods. once this activity has been completed, the revised test methods and an updated complete "AEC - Q100 Rev - G" document (base document + AEC test methods) will be posted here to the AEC website. Please check back periodically for any updated documents.
AEC - Q100 Rev - G base: Stress Qualification For Integrated Circuits (base document only with no test methods)
AEC - Q100-001 - Rev-C: Wire Bond Shear Test
AEC - Q100-002 - Rev-D: Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q100-003 - Rev-E: Machine Model (MM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q100-004 - Rev-C: IC Latch-Up Test
AEC - Q100-005 - Rev-C: Non-Volatile Memory Program/Erase Endurance, Data Retention, and Operational Life Test
AEC - Q100-006 - Rev-D: Electro-Thermally Induced Parasitic Gate Leakage Test (GL)
AEC - Q100-007 - Rev-B: Fault Simulation and Test Grading
AEC - Q100-008 - Rev-A: Early Life Failure Rate (ELFR)
AEC - Q100-009 - Rev-B: Electrical Distribution Assessment
AEC - Q100-010 - Rev-A: Solder Ball Shear Test
AEC - Q100-011 - Rev-B: Charged Device Model (CDM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q100-012 - Rev-: Short Circuit Reliability Characterization of Smart Power Devices for 12V Systems
AEC - Q101 Rev - C1: Stress Test Qualification For Discrete Semiconductors (complete document with test methods)
AEC - Q101 Rev - C base: Stress Test Qualification For Discrete Semiconductors (base document only with no test methods)
AEC - Q101-001 - Rev-A: Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q101-002 - Rev-A: Machine Model (MM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q101-003 - Rev-A: Wire Bond Shear Test
AEC - Q101-004 - Rev-: Miscellaneous Test Methods
AEC - Q101-005 - Rev-: Charged Device Model (CDM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q101-006 - Rev-: Short Circuit Reliability Characterization of Smart Power Devices for 12V Systems
AEC - Q200 Rev - D: Stress Test Qualification For Passive Components (complete document with test methods)
AEC - Q200 Rev - D base: Stress Test Qualification For Passive Components (base document only with no test methods)
AEC - Q200-001 - Rev-B: Flame Retardance Test
AEC - Q200-002 - Rev-B: Human Body Model (HBM) Electrostatic Discharge Test
AEC - Q200-003 - Rev-B: Beam Load (Break Strength) Test
AEC - Q200-004 - Rev-A: Measurement Procedures for Resettable Fuses
AEC - Q200-005 - Rev-A: Board Flex / Terminal Bond Strength Test
AEC - Q200-006 - Rev-A: Terminal Strength (SMD) / Shear Stress Test
AEC - Q200-007 - Rev-A: Voltage Surge Test
자동차 전자부품 협회(Automotive Electronic Council) : http://www.aecouncil.com